Innovation in production
The glass that is predominantly used in architecture has been around for at least five thousand years and in that time its basic chemical composition has changed little.
In the last one hundred years the means of production however have changed dramatically. Two hundred years ago a piece of glass 4 metres by 2 metres would have been cast from a hand fed crucible on to a flat metal bed and carefully annealed to avoid cracking during cooling. After it had cooled it would have been hand polished to remove the cast face imperfections to produce a flat transparent surface. Cast glass of this type and size can still be procured today. The price of a single sheet this size would be in excess of US$15,000.
Today giant float plants are producing a continuous ribbon of perfectly clear glass up to 25mm in thickness in widths of up to 3.6 metres and lengths of up to 12 metres or longer if it can be handled. The cost of a piece of glass 4 metres long by 2 metres would be in the region of US$500.
The annealed glass produced by the float process can then be further heat treated or tempered to improve its toughness thereby reducing its resistance to cracking. Sheets up to 7 metres long by 3 metres wide and 25mm thick can be tempered in this way. Another way to improve the strength of the glass is to use a chemical toughening process. Although this is an expensive operation its benefits are that odd shapes of glass which would break in the heat strengthening process can be processed and there is no heat distortion therefore very flat panels can be produced.
Annealed glass and tempered glass can be laminated into multiply panels up to 100mm thick using plastic inter layers that hold the glass together and following breakage prevents shards of glass becoming detached from the panel. Sentry Glass Plus is the trade name of an interlayer that can retain its significant tensile strength up to temperatures of 70 Degrees C and has such improved properties that it can allow the laminated glass panels to be designed as fully composite panels that would continue to perform structurally after all the glass laminates have cracked.
Shaping by bending or slumping float glass over moulds can create complex double curved panels and with current techniques the glass can be subsequently chemically toughened and laminated. To control light and heat transfer, glass panels can be coated with virtually transparent metallic coatings generally known as Low E coatings which perform as heat mirrors reflecting incoming or outgoing infrared radiation as required. High reflective mirror coatings are sometimes used in very hot climates but they can pose the problem of reflecting sunlight onto highways or other buildings and blinding the drivers or occuopants.
Other methods of controlling heat transfer include fritting the glass which involves screen printing an opaque glazed paint on to the glass and baking it at a high temperature to bond it to the surface. The frit pattern can be specifically developed for each application.
Coloured glass is also used to reduce heat gain and glare which can be a problem particularly for offices with computer screens that require lower light levels. Where a greater degree of transparency is desirable for example for museum cases or shop windows low iron glass is often specified. This glass is usually more expensive than the more common green tinted soda lime glass as its production requires higher melt temperatures.
Insulated glass units using one or two 8 to 16mm wide air cavities are commonly used to control thermal performance. Filling the cavity with Argon or Krypton improves performance and it is possible to introduce insulating translucent material or operable blinds in slightly wider cavities to further improve the desired shading or insulating characteristics. A very effective insulated glass unit which uses a vacuum space of less than 1 mm between the glass sheets, with the gap being maintained by tiny aluminium spacers set out in a grid pattern, has been produced by a Japanese company in a joint venture with an Australian University. The insulation values that they have achieved for this panel are impressive and if the cost of production can be competitive it will potentially save a significant amount of Energy.Although glass up to 3.6m wide and of lengths limited only by handling or cutting machinery could be made available the reality is that the majority of glass that is shipped from the float lines to the processing plants and workshops is transported in purpose designed trucks that are capable of handling maximum stock sizes of 6m x 3m. Subsequent processes as described above further reduce the available sizes of glass to common sizes of typically 4m x 2m. There are invariably individual processors and fabricators that can extend beyond these limits and new machinery is constantly being developed that will improve the range.
Innovation in Design
The structural properties of glass are well known and have been studied for many years by private companies such as Pilkington, Corning and Asahi Glass. There are however currently no National Standard to consult (although there is currently a European Code in draft form) therefore considerable effort and research is required to seek out and piece together any useful technical design information that is in the public domain. Independent Consulting Engineers have very little official technical data to work with which means that glass engineering is not taught in Universities and there are very few Engineering Consultancles that have sufficient knowledge to confidently develop a structural glass design. Although there will always be design innovation arising within the production and fabrication arm of the industry, where there are many talented Design Engineers practicing, the degree of innovation will be tempered by the practical and financial interests of the manufacturer. In order to maximise profit it is easier to make the same thing many times than to change production methods every time an Architect or Consulting Engineer has a bright new idea. Faster progress can be made if Consulting Engineers and Architects can develop designs that they are willing and able to take responsibility for. It small scale experimental ideas are undertaken initially by specialised small contractors with the flexibility to do something different the idea, if successful, will be developed and adopted eventually by the larger companies.