As the main office spaces in this project face east, in concern about morning heat again, the east-facing front façade uses 12mm reflective tempered glass to filter out most of the heat radiation while keeping most of the visible light in, in order to give proper attention to both aesthetics and functional qualities; in consideration to aesthetics proportions of the openings in the façade and to balance lighting in the interior, “T” shape ceramic silkscreen glass are especially added between the modular openings between the columns, additional to Low-E insulating glass.
Moreover, the exterior stone cladding ‘Indian bluei’s the designated pattern source for the ceramic silkscreen glass, which creates a reserved and interesting effect on the elevation.
In order to present the transparency of the stair hall in the corner, as well as the structural glass and features of the tear drop shaped spiral stair in the corner, 19mm clear tempered glass with metal clamps together form a light and delicate glass box with the tear drop stairs spiraling above the counters. The bright, light and transparent quality of the glass, allows view to the natural scenery along Chung Shan is completely different to that the daytime.